We have a lot of fun WODs this week. We will start out with Tim’s Birthday WOD! Then we will go straight into “Fair Games”. Since the SEMO District Fair is up and running right now. That’s always a hit, right? After we have some WODs that were released from the Games Adaptive Division that Jenny shared with me, we will two regular WODs which will round out this week.

MONDAY 9-9-24 
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
Tim's Birthday WOD (9-5-67)
For time:
400 meter Run
5 Rounds of:
6 Pull-ups
7 Slam Balls
9 Toes-2-Bar
400 meter Run

TUESDAY 9-10-24
"Fair Games"
250 meter Row to play each game
1) Ball Pyramid (3 chances)
Prize: Double Unders
2) Sledge Hammers 1:00
Prize: Push-ups on Tire
3) Fun House course
Prize: 10 Slam Balls/touch
4) Ball Toss (5 Balls)
Prize: Squats
5) Sled Course
Prize: Burpees

"Hanging Frace"
In 6:00
Hang Clean and Press (45,35)
Jumping Pull-ups
Rest as needed, then:
"Double Sided Coin"
In 6:00
16 reps:
Alternating DB Snatch (20,10)
Max Reps Barbell Snatch (45,35)

THURSDAY 9-12-24
Strength WOD: Deadlift (3x5)
For time:
Deadlift (225,155)
(may scale to 75-50% of work weight)
Handstand Push-ups

FRIDAY 9-13-24
For time:
100 meter Row
30 seconds Plank
200 meter Row
1:00 Plank
300 meter Row
1:30 Plank
400 meter Row
2:00 Plank
500 meter Row
2:30 Plank

SATURDAY 9-14-24
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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