MONDAY 11-2-15 EMOM for 10 minutes: 5 1-arm* DB Thrusters (50,40) 100′ Sprint *alternate arms each round TUESDAY 11-3-15 Reach 10,000 pounds with rounds of: 1 Back Squat 1 Shoulder Press 1 Deadlift in the fastest time possible WEDNESDAY 11-4-15 EMOM for 8 minutes: 10 1-arm KB Power Snatch as heavy as possible alternate arms…

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I am on my way to Romania as I type. Actually, we are sitting on the runway in St. Louis heading to Atlanta. Getting started on a trip or on a wod always needs a good, deep breath! WOD #1 4 Rounds for time: 10 Russian KB Swings* (70, 53) 15 Toes to Bar 30…

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WOD #1 For time: 12-9-6-3 Power Clean (185, 125) Ring Dips WOD #2 AMRAP in 8 minutes: 3 Power Snatch (135, 95) 5 Handstand Push-ups 7 Box Jumps (24, 20) WOD #3 5 Rounds for time 7 Deadlift (315, 215) 21 Double Unders WOD #4 in 7 minutes: 1 minute Max reps DB Thrusters (50,…

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WOD #1 4 Rounds of: 7 Bear Complex* 7 Weighted Pull-ups (25, 15) 3 minutes rest between rounds *increase weight for Bear Complex each round **do 1 Pull-up after the wod is over for each time you come off the pull-up bar or drop the barbell before 7 reps are completed WOD #2 6 Rounds…

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WOD #1 Tabata Sledge Hammer Strikes rest 1 minute Tabata Burpees rest 1 minute Tabata Sledge Hammer Strikes *lowest reps in cycle is score WOD #2 AMRAP in 11 minutes: 5 KB Snatch (53, 35) 5 Strict Pull-ups 5 Burpees WOD #3 5 Rounds of: 150′ Shuttle Run 3 Power Cleans (BW) 5 Front Squats…

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WOD #1 8 Rounds for time: 6 Toes to Bar 3 Thrusters (155, 105) 100′ Sled Push (180, 120) rest 1 minute between rounds WOD #2 AMRAP in 11 minutes: 5 1-arm KB Power Snatch (53, 35) 5 Strict Pull-ups 5 Burpees WOD #3 EMOM in 15 minutes: 2 Power Cleans 10 Double Unders WOD…

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WOD #1 AMRAP in 12 min 10 Ball Slams (20) 5 Pull-ups WOD #2 5 Rounds for distance: 5 min Row- mark distance 5 min Rest WOD #3 5 Rounds for reps: Max Reps Back Squat (225,155) 7 Burpee Box Jumps (20″,18″) WOD #4 Front Squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 WOD #5 5 Rounds for time: 12 Overhead…

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These are the new extra WODs for people that want more work. Do them as you determine you should! WOD 1: EMOM for 12 min:* 10 Kettlebell Swings (70,53) 150′ Sprint *penalty for each missed round= 60 second plank/round WOD 2: 4 Rounds of: 7 Bear Complex* Rest 90 seconds *don’t put bar down until…

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Maybe on this site everyone will get the message. Stay home, shovel snow, drink something warm, shovel more snow, but don’t come to the gym today. I’m so sorry about not getting the word to people this morning who ventured out to check. Let me know which notices you get so I can do better…

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