I wanted to post this week’s WODs a little early so you would have a heads up about Labor Day. The gym will be closed on Monday Sept 6, 2021 for the Labor Day holiday. If you are going to miss working out so much that you will be sad, do something fun in the park. Run a 5K, stopping to do push-ups, or burpees, or jumping jacks, or squats. Whatever sounds fun to you is good. Next week we will do some birthday wods for Josh and Megan, who both came back on their birthdays! We may also do a hero wod in honor of 9-11, and for the 13 soldiers, and hundred plus Afghanis who died in Kabul. We will be resting up and having fun this week with regular old wods to get ready for the next week.

MONDAY 9-6-21
Gym Closed for Labor Day

TUESDAY 9-7-21
Strength WOD: Bench Press (3x5)
AMRAP in 12:00
2 Power Snatch
4 Power Clean
60 Double Unders

5 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run OR 500 meter Row*
1-3 Rope Climbs
* This is a choose your own adventure WOD. Mix up the Row and Run every other round if you would like and do an extra Rope Climb if you can manage it.

For time:
50 KB Swings
800 meter Run
50 KB Swings
800 meter Run
50 KB Swings

FRIDAY 9-10-21
10 Rounds for time:
5 Front Squats (unbroken)
5 Handstand Push-ups

SATURDAY 9-11-21
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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