We are home for a while now. Thank you for making sure you were safe at the gym while we were away. Hopefully you didn’t do anything more dangerous than we did. We hiked, several times and sometimes not on the trails as they were marked. There was some rock climbing involved, up and down. There was some asking of directions when we got to a different trail. There were some poor footwear choices on the last hike, but it all turned out just fine. Now we are ready to put in the work at the gym so we can be ready for the next adventure, whatever it may be.

MONDAY 9-26-22
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
AMRAP in 12:00
100' Bear Crawl
25 GHD Sit-ups

TUESDAY 9-27-22
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
30 Box Jumps (24,20)
30 Wall Balls (20,14)
*"Baby Kelly" 3 RFT

5 Rounds for time:
12 Deadlifts (155,105)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

THURSDAY 9-29-22
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
7 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
10 Burpees

FRIDAY 9-30-22
5 Tabatas for max reps of each:
DB Shoulder Press
DB Jumping Lunges
Ring Dips
DB Walking Lunges
DB Push Press

SATURDAY 10-1-22
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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