I can’t believe September is almost over. This week the temperatures should drop and it might start feeling like Fall instead of forever Summer! There are several opportunities for you to join in 5K races in the area when the heat subsides if you haven’t had a chance yet this year. Congrats to Jenny who finished her first 13.1 mile (half marathon) and is getting ready next month to do another half!! Way to go!

We are doing the CrossFit Team Series WODs this week and next. Let’s have fun with these wods. They are all set up to be partner wods where one person works at a time and the two of you get one score. Several of you said you liked partner wods. They do help you to move a little bit faster than you would alone, because you don’t want to disappoint your partner. Both of you push the other one just by working together.

We also have some good news to share. CrossFit Perryville will be opening the beginning of October! We wish them all the success in training new people where there has not been a CrossFit gym in the area before. It does come with some sadness though. We will miss Dustin Roth, Laura Moll, Susan Phillips and Brian Ozark as they will train Perryville people way closer to their homes than in Jackson. (Brian might still be here some Wednesdays.) Good Luck in your new endeavor!

MONDAY 9-25-17
5 Rounds for time:
60 second L-sit Hold
30 Calorie Row

TUESDAY 9-26-17
Overhead Squat
Snatch Balance
Hang Squat Snatch

Team Series 1*
For time:
Thrusters (95,65)
Bar Facing Burpees
*as partners do these synchro movements
scaled (65,45)

THURSDAY 9-28-17
Team Series 2*
15 minute time cap:
120 Double Unders
60 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
60 Hang Power Snatch (95,65)
120 Double Unders
*as partners do 120 DU each, relay style
120 C2B and HPS in sets of 15 before changing places
scaled do 120 singles each
Jumping C2B
Hang Power Snatch (65,45) 

FRIDAY 9-29-17
Strength WOD:
1 set of 5+ Deadlift
Team Series 3*
12 minute time cap:
50 Wall Balls (20,14) to (10',9')
15 Cleans (any kind OK) (135,95)
50 Wall Balls
15 Cleans (185,135)
50 Wall Balls 
15 Cleans (225,155)
*as partners do synchro WB
30-20-10 Cleans, each person must do at least 1 clean of each weight
scaled Wall Balls (14,10) to 9' for both
Cleans (95,65) (135,95) (155,105)

SATURDAY 9-30-17
Open Gym from 8-10am

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