I enjoyed being away for a while, but now I’m back and happy to be home and back at the gym! What a good turnout we had for the 9/11 Memorial wod at Muddy Water! Thank you to everyone who showed up to help do Burpees and to those who did Burpees early in order for us to count them! There were 10 people from our gym and 12 other people who participated. If we hadn’t come those 12 would still be doing Burpees! Good job, ladies and good sports too!

Just a note for those of you that haven’t paid your monthly training fees yet, tomorrow is the 12th! The box is still on the wall whether I’m in the gym or not.

MONDAY 9-12-16
"Trail WOD"
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
50' Walking Lunges (15,10)* plate
Box Step Overs
50' Walking Lunges
Paralette Step Overs
*15 Burpee penalty for putting the weight down, ever

TUESDAY 9-13-16
21-15-9 for time:
Thrusters (95,65)

5 Rounds for time:
3 Atlas Stone Shoulders
6 Tire Flips
12 Sledge Hammers
100' Sled Push (BW)

THURSDAY 9-15-16
For time:
Squat Cleans (135,95)
200 meter Run (only 1, after every set of Cleans)

FRIDAY 9-16-16
3 Rounds for time:
6 Turkish Get-ups (50,35)
12 Knees to Elbows
18 Mountain Climbers*

SATURDAY 9-17-16 
Open Gym from 8-10 am

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