Someone told me they liked seeing the date in this format better. I listen and try to please! If there are special things you want to see on the WOD board, I’m happy to accommodate there too. Tell me, or better yet, write it down and leave me a note. I’m much more likely to remember that way, just ask Renee how well I remember what people tell me!

This is probably going to be the hottest week of the summer so far. We have had pretty mild temperatures for the first part of the summer, but now it is HOT! Please bring water, dress appropriately to stay as cool as possible, scale as needed, and if you feel faint, dizzy, or overheated SLOW DOWN! Doing CrossFit is what we choose to do to make us healthier. That’s the way we want to keep it!

MONDAY 8/25/14



Cleans (135, 95)

Ring Dips

(courtesy of


TUESDAY 8/26/14

Split Jerk


Mini wod:

Tabata Push Press (45, 35)

(courtesy of



AMRAP in 20 minutes:

10 Burpee Pull-overs

30 Squats

60 second Handstand Hold

(courtesy of


THURSDAY 8/28/14

For Reps in each round do:

1 minute Power Snatch (115, 75)

1 minute GHD Sit-ups

2 minutes Power Snatch (115. 75)

2 minute GHD Sit-ups

3 minute Power Snatch (115, 75)

3 minute GHD Sit-ups

(courtesy of


FRIDAY 8/29/14


3 Rounds for time:

32 Deadlift (185, 125)

32 Hanging Hip Touches-alternate hands

800 meter Run/Farmers Carry (15, 10) DB each hand


SATURDAY 8/30/14

Open Gym from 8 to 10

Val has requested an awesome wod to impress her friends she is bringing. Let’s show her friends how we have fun! I may have taken some liberties with Val’s actual request, but that’s how I do it, just ask my kids!

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