I feel like summer is almost over because schools will be starting soon, but the heat is showing us that this is still summer! Please be careful to take it easy if you feel sick or dizzy. Stay hydrated with lots of sips of water, not guzzling a lot at a time. We have had two birthdays that people did not want noticed in a workout, but we can say Happy Birthday to Chris and Chrissy anyway. We are going to celebrate on Monday, what Barbie has had to put up with before she has surgery. This should be a fun little WOD.

MONDAY 8-5-24
Strength WOD: Deadlift (3x5)
AMRAP in 15:00
10 Ring Rows
15 One Arm Wall Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
250 meter Row

TUESDAY 8-6-24
For time:
150 Double Unders
125 Sit-ups
100 Box Step-ups (24,20)
75 Deadlifts (115,75) light
50 Burpees
25 Handstand Push-ups

"The Chief"
AMRAP in 3:00 (5 times)
3 Power Clean
5 Push-ups
9 Squats
1:00 Rest between AMRAPs

Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
AMRAP in 10:00
5 Hang Power Snatch (135,95)
15 Calorie Row, Bike or 200 meter Run

FRIDAY 8-9-24
5 Rounds for time:
24 Air Squats
16 Bar Facing Burpees
8 Shoulder-2-Overhead (135,95)
4 Thrusters

SATURDAY 8-10-24
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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