We will still collect money and gifts for another week to give to Amy Eggen’s baby girl. Thank you to those who have already brought things for Amy. I will deliver what we collect next weekend. So you have one more week to shop or bring money.




Rachael Meyr


Lorilea Johnson


Brian Ozark


Barbie Gibbs


Pat Meyr


It is so hard to take pictures when you are moving!  And it’s very hard to take acceptable Bear Crawl pictures! If you could hold still, like this, it is much easier!


Dixie Crites


Laura Meece


MONDAY 8-11-14

AMRAP in 15 minutes:

10 DB Thrusters (50, 35)

25 Double Unders

(courtesy of crossfitmom.com)


TUESDAY 8-12-14

10-1 minute rounds of:

3 Deadlift (315, 215)

Shuttle Sprint

Max rep Burpees*

rest 2 minutes between rounds

*number of Burpees each round is your score

(courtesy of crossfit.com)



7 Rounds for time:

7 Bear Complex* (45, 35)

14 Mountain Climbers**

21 Abmat Sit-ups

*1 Bear Complex is: Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press

You must do all 7 without putting the bar down.

**1 Mountain Climber is: On the floor in a plank position, jump one foot forward, jump the other foot forward while putting the first foot back.


THURSDAY 8-14-14

3 Rounds for time:

30 DB Shoulder Press (35, 25)

20 Pull-ups

10 Ring Dips

(courtesy of crossfitmom.com)


FRIDAY 8-15-14

5 Rounds for time:

15 KB Swings (53, 35)

15 Jumping Back Squats (50, 40)

15 Slam Balls (20)


SATURDAY 8-16-14

Open Gym from 8 to 10 am





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