For those of you that were taking the month of July off, for whatever reason, this is your last week! It’s going to be August and school will be starting. Vacations should be winding down and exercising, good food choices and discipline should take back over. A break for a while is OK, even a good idea sometimes, but shouldn’t be our way life.

We also have a semi-shower to give! Amy is our last pregnant mom. We are having a hard time planning a real shower/party before her baby is due. My thought is to bring gifts for her baby girl, supplies or money for a combined gift card. Not as many people know Amy because she came at 6:00 pm. She also has been unable to come for a while because of other complications. We still want to support and love her, because she is one of our family. Bring in your gifts for Amy to the office and we will get them to her in the next couple of weeks.

MONDAY 7-28-14
“3 B’s”
5 Rounds for time:
100′ Bear Crawl
15 Box Jumps (24, 20)
20 Burpees

TUESDAY 7-29-14
3 Rounds for time:
500 meter Row
40 Double Unders
400 meter Run
(courtesy of

Death by Back Squat (95, 65)

THURSDAY 7-31-14
3 Rounds for reps:
Circuit of 1:00 work, 15 seconds transition:
Slam Balls
100′ Sled Pull (135, 95) added to the sled
Row for calories
Evil Wheels
GHD Sit-ups
Good Mornings (45, 35)
Ring Rows
Thrusters (45, 35)

FRIDAY 8-1-14
5 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts (225, 155)
20 Wall Balls (20, 14)
(courtesy of

Open Gym from 8:00 to 10:00

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