Now that the wedding is over, the packing is in full swing. Along with the good-byes there is great looking forward to what is ahead for Lydia and Landon. I will be out of the gym Monday, Tuesday and  Wednesday, as we help them move. Laura Moll will be there for me at 5 and 6 am. Brian will be there at 7 am. Laura A Meece will be there at 8 am on Monday and Wednesday. Chris will be there at 8 am on Tuesday. Whew, morning classes taken care of! Val will be there at 4 pm on Monday and Tuesday. There will be NO CLASS on Wednesday at 4 pm! The 5 and 6 pm classes will be the normal trainers. Brian and Dustin share the 6 pm classes and Renee will be there as usual at 5 pm. Be sure to sign up early if you plan on attending a class! They have been told they do not have to come to wait for someone who wants to maybe drop in! If you sign up and later find you can’t make it, please let them know early enough so they are not already on their way, some of them from Perryville! Respect their time, they are volunteering just to help me out!

Birthday wods are very popular with some, not so popular with others. In order to make them more fun, we are not going to make them as hard as hero wods! We want to commemorate a birthday, but we don’t want everyone to hate the birthday person! Scale as you should in any wod and have fun doing things someone else likes, whether you like the same things or not. It will be your birthday someday too.

MONDAY 7-18-16
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
200 meter Run
15 Handstand Push-ups
10 Power Cleans (135,95)
5 Overhead Squats (135,95)

TUESDAY 7-19-16
Anna W's B-day wod:
AMRAP in 22 minutes:
7 Tire Flips
19 Wall Balls (20,14)
8 Pull-ups (1/2 of 16)

5 Rounds for time:
10 Step-ups (20,18) box, (50,35) sandbag
10 Squat Cleans (50,35) sandbag
10 Back Squats (50,35) sandbag

THURSDAY 7-21-16
Julia's B-day wod:
7 Rounds for time:
Run 100 meters, picking up sledge hammer at the corner
21 Sledge Hammers
Run 100 meters, putting sledge hammer back at the corner
16 Sit-ups

FRIDAY 7-22-16
For time:
KB Swings (53,35)
Push Press (95,65)

SATURDAY 7-23-16
Open Gym from 8 to 10 am

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