The weather is predicted to be a bit cooler without rain on one day. So that’s the day I have planned a run! If there is another hurricane coming, we may have to adjust again. Not really a big deal, we are still getting in some good workouts!

MONDAY 7-15-24
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
AMRAP in 10:00*
12 DB Deadlifts (50,30)
9 DB Hang Power Cleans
6 DB Shoulder-2-Overhead
* Variation on "DT"

TUESDAY 7-16-24
EMOM for 20:00*
1: 6 Clean & Jerks (45,35)
2: 6 Stink Bugs
3: 30 Double Unders
4: 9/6 Calorie Row
* Repeat this list for 5 rounds

3 Rounds for time:
1,000/800 meter Row
100' Bear Crawl

THURSDAY 7-18-24
5 Rounds for max reps:
Bench Press (Body Weight)/Work Weight

FRIDAY 7-19-24
AMRAP in 15:00
400 meter Run
12 Toes-2-Bar
6 Push Jerks (SP Work Weight)
10 DB (35,20) Box Step-ups (24,20)

SATURDAY 7-20-24
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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