No Pull-ups this week! No Push-ups either! Murph seemed to take a big toll on some of us and we need a little bit of time to recover. Enjoy the rest for your hands and shoulders, but your legs are not in on this rest period. We are just taking turns with body parts. When we come back to Pull-ups again you won’t hurt so bad and you’ll think, at least it’s not Murph.

Don’t forget to sign up for the classes you plan to attend. Several people have told me they will or won’t be coming on some days. My brain is a bit like a sieve when you tell me things like that. I’m not likely to remember what you just told me as you leave. Unless you sign up for the class you want to change to and watch me cancel your class you aren’t coming to, I’m going to be expecting you or not expecting you. Don’t confuse old people, it’s like teasing your cat! Funny, but not nice.

MONDAY 6-4-18
Leslie's B-day WOD (5-31-18)
5 Rounds for time:
5 Tire Flips
5 Right arm Sledge Hammers
5 Left arm Sledge Hammers
31 Double Unders

TUESDAY 6-5-18
Strength WOD: Bench Press
10 Rounds each for time:
200 meter Row
90 second Rest

3 Rounds for time
Regional Event #3 (sort-of)
9 False Grip Ring Rows, transitions and jump to support
100' Bear Crawl
15 Squats
20 Pistols alternate legs
100' Bear Crawl

Strength WOD: Power Clean
2 person teams
3 Rounds for Sand Bag Reps
A) 100' Sled Push (225,155)
B) Jumping Back Squats (50,40)
B) 100' Sled Push
A) Jumping Back Squats

FRIDAY 6-8-18
5 Rounds for time:
12 Deadlift (155,105)
9 Hang Power Clean (155,105)
6 Push Jerks (155,105)

Open Gym from 8 to 10 am


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