Due to the Holiday on July 4th there will be no evening classes that day. There will be morning classes if you want to come then. Please let me know.

Speaking of letting me know if you are coming, signing up is getting to be a bit of a problem. Either most people are on vacation, or coming only once this week. Don’t plan on just showing up. You might not have a trainer! It is really helpful for each trainer to know how many they will have in a class. If there is equipment to share they can formulate a plan on how to make the workout go smoothly. If no one is coming, there are trainers who come from work and wouldn’t have to stop by the gym for nothing. If you are having trouble signing up on line use the paper schedules. They are still available and much better than not signing up at all! I will sign you up on line and then all the trainers will have access to it.

MONDAY 6-30-14

3 Ladders aka Death by:

Back Squat (BW,  3/4 BW)

Rest 5 minutes

Push Press (3/4 BW, 1/2 BW)

Rest 5 minutes

Deadlift (1 1/2 BW, BW)


TUESDAY 7-1-14

4 Rounds for time:

50 Squats

40 Good Mornings (45, 35)

30 Push-ups



AMRAP in 20 minutes:

5 Thrusters (95, 65)

7 Hang Power Cleans (95, 65)

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95, 65)



Happy Birthday Wod for Nathan Meece!  7-5-14

5 Rounds for time:

7 Deadlift (185, 135)

50′ Farmers Walk (53, 35) one only

10 DB Snatch (35, 25) alternate arms

50′ Farmers Walk (53, 35)

14 Double Unders

50′ Farmers Walk (53, 35)

10 Goblet Squats (35, 25)

50′ Farmers Walk (53, 35)




5 Front Squats (225, 155)

5 Rope Climbs

400 meter Run with (45, 35) plate



Open Gym 8:00 to 10:00

with Dylan



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