I thought I’d get a head start on posting the wods for this week. Let’s see if it catches on, but don’t hold your breath. I will try to look ahead at the weather for possibilities of rain and also heat index, now that it is hot. We need to work out in the environment in which we live, but there is some common sense involved in how strenuously we work out in extreme temperatures. Earlier classes are a bit cooler, but not all that much. Stay hydrated and be smart about how much you should do, and when you need to cool off!


MONDAY 6-23-14

3 Rounds for time:

25 GHD Sit-ups

5 Clean & Jerks (205, 135)

(courtesy of crossfit.com)


TUESDAY 6-24-14

The Ghost

6 Rounds of:

1 min Row – for Calories

1 min Burpees – for reps

1 min Double Unders – for reps

1 min Rest

(courtesy of crossfit.com)



10 Rounds for time:

100 meter Sprint

90 second rest

(courtesy of crossfit.com)


THURSDAY 6-26-14

Snatch Balance


(courtesy of crossfit.com)


FRIDAY 6-27-14

Death by Pull-ups

Do one Pull-up in the first minute

Do two Pull-ups in the second minute

Continue increasing one pull-up in each minute until you can’t complete the reps required in the minute.

Score is the last minute completed plus how many reps extra in the last minute uncompleted.

(courtesy of crossfitmom.com)


SATURDAY 6-28-14

Open Gym from 8:00 to 10:00

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