OK, we have some more birthdays this week. One is for Chris, one is for the Army, and one is for the three babies born into our CrossFit family. Please scale appropriately on each of these!!!! Some may need more scaling than others, but you still need enough to be a good workout. Have fun, and work hard!

MONDAY 6-20-16
"Sarah (#Always) Julius"
Born 12-2-92 
Buy in: 
12 Lunges
2 Handstand Push-up
92 Double Unders

Died 6-18-94 (18 mos and 16 days)
Then: 6 Rounds for time
18 Thrusters (75,55)
18 Box Jumps (20)
16 Burpees

TUESDAY 6-21-16
"3 Babies WOD"
3 Rounds for time:
24 Medball Deadlift (20,14)
20 MB Sit-up
24 Medball Cleans
20 MB Sit-up
24 Wall Balls
20 MB Sit-up

"1775" (6-14-1775 is the Army's Birthday!)
AMRAP in 60* minutes:
17 Hang Power Cleans (135,95)
75 Squats
Unload the bar, carry it 200m
Run 200m
Carry 1/2 weight 200m
Run 200m
Carry 1/2 weight 200m 
Reload bar for 2nd round

*scale to 20 or 30 min as necessary

THURSDAY 6-23-16
5 Rounds for Max Reps:
Deadlift (1.5 BW)
Dips (rings, bar, or box)

FRIDAY 6-24-16
"Happy Birthday Chris!"
For time:
Tire Flip "Kalsu"
Begin with 5 Burpees and then accumulate 100 Tire Flips,
stopping every minute to complete 5 Burpees.

SATURDAY 6-25-16
Open Gym 8:00-10:00

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