We have a birthday to celebrate this week and another one to make up for next week. I have tried to make the WODs this week as varied as possible. It shouldn’t be arm week or leg week! As always scale appropriately and have fun!

MONDAY 6-19-23
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds for reps of:
1:00 Wall Balls (20,14)
1:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75,55)
1:00 Box Jumps (20")
1:00 Push Press (75,55)
1:00 Row for Calories
1:00 Rest

TUESDAY 6-20-23
Kendra's Birthday WOD (6-20-91)
3 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
6 Tire Flips
20 Ring Rows
6 Wall Walks
20 Sledge Hammers

3 Rounds of 6:00 intervals
Bike for Calories
20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest
Burpees for reps
20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest
30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest
40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest

THURSDAY 6-22-23
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
For time:
75 Power Snatch (75,55)

FRIDAY 6-23-23
Army Combat Fitness Tests
#1-Deadlift (3-3-3-3-3)
#3-Hand Release Push-ups Max reps in 2:00
#6-2 Mile Run for time (suggested scale 1 mile)

SATURDAY 6-24-23
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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