Hey Hey! The internet connection can be a wonderful thing! I had no service for anything all week. I hope everything went smoothly. I’m sorry that I couldn’t put the wods on the website last week, but it looks like you managed. Thank you to all the trainers who filled in for me!!!!

MONDAY 6-15-15
"7 Days of Camping"
7 Rounds for time:
50'/50' Farmers Walk (53, 35)*
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53, 35)
200 meters Arms Only Row
10 Mt. Climbers (1+1=1)
10 Box Dips (24, 20)
10 Box Jumps (24, 20)
10 Sledge Hammers
*One KB, change hands, don't put the weight down

TUESDAY 6-16-15
Val's Birthday Wod (6-4-15)
For time:
800 meter Run
then: EMOM for 12 minutes:
one minute-15 Push Press (75, 55)
other minute-45 second Plank
repeat for 6 rounds (12 minutes)
800 meter Run

CrossFit Total
Best of 3 attepmts of:
Back Squat
Shoulder Press 

THURSDAY 6-18-15
For time:
Deadlift (225, 155)

FRIDAY 6-19-15
For time:
Thrusters (95, 65)

SATURDAY 6-20-15
Open Gym from 8:00-10:00

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