This has been a happy and sad day. Happy that I got to spend the day with some of my kids. Two of whom are very appreciative for all the gifts you brought for the shower for Laura on Saturday. Thanks to all of you! Then sad because I just got home from the memorial service for Alan Crites. We all send our condolences to our friend Dixie in the loss of her husband. We are praying that God will comfort you and your family in your time of grief.

Speaking of grief, I got some of yours last week for the wods we came up with. I hope you like this week better! If you plan to come Friday at 6pm, sign up early so I can let Laura know. She will be covering that class while I go to Rolla to help bring Peter, and his stuff, home for the summer! Sign up as usual for our new 5pm class on Wednesday.

MONDAY 5-9-16
5 Rounds for time:
30 KB Swings (53,35)
50' Farmers Walk
20 One arm Snatch (53,35) 10 with each arm
50' Farmers Walk

TUESDAY 5-10-16
Warm up with Burgener Warm-up, then:
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Squat Clean & Jerk (165,110)
Tabata Sit-ups

"Baseline" For time:
500 meter Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
after 5 minutes rest:
100 Burpees* for time
*must touch with both hands a target 6" above your standing reach to complete each Burpee

THURSDAY 5-12-16
Strength WOD: Back Squats
Turkish Get-ups (53,35)
Strict Pull-ups

FRIDAY 5-13-16
4 Rounds for time:
200 meter Run
10 Deadlift (1.5 BW)
10 Handstand Push-ups

SATURDAY 5-14-16
Open Gym from 8-10am

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