I have had a great day off! I hope you have too. We can be ready to come back and work out hard again after a little break.

We are celebrating birthday week for several people in the gym! Happy Birthday to each of you! I hope everyone else likes what you’ve chosen to celebrate with. If nothing else it will make them fitter and stronger, anyway. Next week we should have a celebrate all the babies wod!

Leslie Walker
TUESDAY 5-31-16
5 Rounds for time:
200 meter Run
6 Tire Flips
10 Sledge Hammers
15 Overhead Squats (95,65)

For time:
1 mile Run*
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
*Because the weather is calling for rain, and Murphy was in the Navy, you can substitute 2K Rows for each of the 1 mile Runs.

Lydia Meece (5-25-16)
25-16-5 for time:
Jumping Bar Muscle-ups
Box Throughs*
Weighted Pistols (15,10)**
*One Box Through is, between 2 (24,20) boxes do 1 push-up, 1 swing through, 1 straight leg dip, swing back through.
**Hold one dumbbell in the same hand as the leg that is doing the squat, use bands as slings as necessary.

Ashton McWilson
FRIDAY 6-3-16
3 Rounds for time:
20 Ring Rows
20 Goblet Squats (53,35)
20 Push-ups
20 Russian Lunges (30,20)

Open Gym from 8 to 10 am

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