We’ve had two CrossFit babies born this week! Congratulations to the new Moms and Dads! And welcome to the world new little ones! We are a family that rejoices when one rejoices, and weeps when one weeps. Let’s continue to take good care of each other!!

We can also rejoice in Birthdays. We have one coming up May 31st. But first we have Memorial Day Holiday on Monday May 30th. On the holiday the gym will be closed. Enjoy the day at home. Do Murph if you’d like, but do it on your own.

MONDAY 5-23-16
3 Rounds for time:
800 Meter Run
50 Supermans
50 Sit-ups

TUESDAY 5-24-16
For Total Reps:
1 min Hang Squat Cleans (45,30) DB
1 min Burpees
1 min Toes-2-Bar
2 min Hang Squat Cleans (45,30) DB
2 min Burpees
2 min Toes-2-Bar
1 min Hang Squat Cleans (45,30) DB
1 min Burpees
1 min Toes-2-Bar


THURSDAY 5-26-16
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
(score is rounds, and reps of strict Pull-ups only)
5 Atlas Stone Shoulderings
10 Strict Pull-ups*
15 Sledge Hammers
250 meters Row
* only strict pull-ups count for score but 10 pull-ups must be done before coming off the bar. If you let go of the bar you must start counting over again at 1. You may kip to complete 10 reps but you may not count the kipping pull-ups in your score.

FRIDAY 5-27-16
21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift (225,155)
Handstand Push-ups

SATURDAY 5-28-16
Open Gym from 8-10 am
sign up if you intend to come, this is Memorial Day weekend. The gym will be closed on Monday May 30.

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