I tried to post this last night but my internet wouldn’t cooperate! I want to be sure everyone knows that the gym will be closed on Memorial Day. We will do “Murph” as soon after that day as the weather permits, maybe Tuesday. Or you can come in on the Saturday before and get it done early.

MONDAY 5-22-17
Regional Event #1
For time:
1,200 meter Run
12 Rounds of:
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
12 Squats

TUESDAY 5-23-17
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
5 reps x 3 sets, then:
5 rounds of:
30 KB Swings in 1:00*
Rest 1:00
*penalty for not getting 30 in any round,
800 meter Run, Row or Bike, your choice

"Last Ascent"
5-10-15 for time:
Back Squat (225,155)
Box Jump (24,20)

THURSDAY 5-25-17
"Mercato" 5K Run

FRIDAY 5-26-17
Strength WOD: Power Clean
3 reps x 5 sets, then:
1/2 Regional Event #3
For time:
100' DB OH Walking Lunges (50,35)
100 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls (20,14) 
5 Rope Climbs

SATURDAY 5-27-17
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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