Everyone did so well on the Age Group Online Qualifiers last week and on the CrossFit Total. These are good tests to see what you can do. Those heavy weights and difficult movements are what more and more of the top athletes can do. We don’t necessarily have to keep up with the elite athletes, but we want to keep doing what we can to be strong and healthy! Sometimes a rest is necessary so you can build your muscles back. We are going to take a break from strength wods this week only. We will be right back at it next week. Rest well and be ready to lift hard again next week.

MONDAY 4-30-18
"Hotel WOD #3"
AMRAP in 20:00
5 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
15 Squats

TUESDAY 5-1-18
4 Rounds for time:
500 meter Row
400 meter Run

For time:
10 Pull-ups (weighted if possible)
40 Overhead Lunges (50,35) 1 DB
10 Pull-ups
30 Snatch (alt arms)
10 Pull-ups
20 Overhead Squats (10 each arm)
10 Pull-ups
10 Turkish Get-ups
10 Pull-ups

5 Rounds for time:
5 Tire Flips
10 Push-ups-feet on the tire
15 Slam Balls (25,20)

FRIDAY 5-4-18
3 Rounds for time:
sub 1:00 250 meter Row*
30 unbroken Double Unders*
*Pause as needed to get the time limit on the Row, if you don't make it rest and repeat the Row before you go on.
Scale as needed on the Double Unders but do as many in a row as possible every round.
Score is total time it takes to do the work including repeats as needed.

Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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