This is for those of you that start checking to see if I’ve posted the wods yet. It’s not even Sunday, much less, late in the evening!


MONDAY 4-29-13

“Schmalls” for time:*

Run 800 meters

Then 2 Rounds of:

50 Burpees

40 Pull-ups

30 Pistols

20 KB Swings (53, 35)

10 Handstand Push-ups


Run 800 meters

*This is a big Hero wod, so scale as appropriate for you.


TUESDAY 4-30-13

Team Wod: for reps

Person A: 30 KB Swings (53, 35)*

Person B: Row for calories

Person C: Sit-ups for reps

*Person A is the timer. The others will work for as long as it takes person A to do all 30 KB Swings counting reps and calories. Then everyone will change positions and keep adding to the rep score. Change positions until everyone has had the opportunity to be person A twice. You can work in groups of 2 or 3.

**Oh yeah, every minute on the minute everyone stops whatever they are doing to do 5 Burpees. When the team has completed the Burpees continue what you were doing until it is time to change positions.



Overhead Squats


Then 21-15-9:

Overhead Squats (50% of max)





4 Rounds for time:

27 Box Jumps (24, 20)

20 Burpees

11 Squat Cleans (135, 95)


FRIDAY 5-3-13

3 Rounds for time:

Run 800 meters

50 Wall Ball Shots (20, 14)



Open Gym from 8-10am with Dylan

Do a wod you missed, bring a friend to share the pain and do the team wod again, or work on some other max lifts for the board or your own PRs.