I’m collecting all kinds of WODs for us as I am preparing to take my test. There are so many I can’t even program them all in one week! Sound like fun yet? I will save them and we can do them gradually as I need more options. We will do WODs that are easy to figure out next week. Then work up to some that are more difficult later on.

MONDAY 4-24-23
Strength WOD: Power Clean (5x3)
Kriterion #3
In 10:00*
2:00 of Double Unders for reps
30 sec Rest
5:00 to get 5RM Back Squat
30 sec Rest
2:00 of Double Unders for reps
* Score is number of Double Unders and weight for your 5RM Back Squat

TUESDAY 4-25-23
Kriterion #2
For time:
2 Rounds of:
21 Toes-2-Bar
12 DBx2 Box Step-ups (24,20)
2 Rounds of:
12 Wall Walks
21 DBx2 Thrusters

Kriterion #6
3 Rounds for time:
30 UNBROKEN Wall Balls
20 Pull-ups
10 Shuttle Runs (10 meters)

THURSDAY 4-27-23
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
Kriterion #4
3-3:00 AMRAPS*
27 Burpees
in time remaining
Max Reps Deadlift (90% of Work Weight)
* No rest between rounds

FRIDAY 4-28-23
5 Rounds each for time:
choose any options of:
400 meter Run
500 meter Row
1,000 meter Bike
Rest 2:00 between rounds

SATURDAY 4-29-23
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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