We look forward to the Games in Madison, Wisconsin in August, and tickets have been purchased! That will be the culmination of all the competitions since February. We have one more thing to participate in before we are finished, however. The Masters Qualifier. These are 4 workouts that were announced last Thursday and have to be posted by Monday, just like all the other Open WODs. We don’t have anyone that is doing them this year for a score, so we are all going to do them this week! I have posted the weights the 55+ Masters have to do, since we are doing them in solidarity with the old guys. If you choose to do Rx for your own age division, those weights will be available. There are only 4 WODs in the Qualifier so we are lucky to have a birthday to celebrate. Suzie’s Birthday WOD will be the 5th WOD. Thanks Suzie!

Laura A. Meece will be teaching my 4:00pm class this Friday so I can take my CrossFit Level 3 test. I may be back in time, but I may also be wiped out after a 4 hour test! I’ve studied. I think I’m prepared. I’ve learned so much! All that’s left is to wish me luck!

MONDAY 4-24-17
MQ Event #1
For time: 20:00 cap
100 DB Snatch (35,20)*
80 Cal Row
60 Bar-Facing Burpees
40 Ring Muscle-ups
*one arm alternating

TUESDAY 4-25-17
Suzie's Birthday WOD (4-29-17)
1 minute of each for reps in 3 rounds:
SDHP (53,35)
Evil Wheels
Single Unders
DB Step-ups (24,20) (35,25)
Ring Rows

MQ Event #2
in 4:00
25 Toes-2-Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans (115,65)
if completed add 4:00
25 T2B
50 DU
13 Squat Cleans (135,85)
if completed in 8:00 add 4:00
25 T2B
50 DU
11 Squat Cleans (155,105)
if completed in 12:00 add 4:00
25 T2B
50 DU
9 Squat Cleans (185,125)
if completed in 16:00 add 4:00
25 T2B
50 DU
7 Squat Cleans (205,145)
must be completed in 20:00

THURSDAY 4-27-17
MQ Event #3
21-15-9 For time:
Shoulder to Overhead (95,65)

FRIDAY 4-28-17
MQ Event #4
2 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts (225,175)
20 Handstand Push-ups
30 Front Squat (75,55)

SATURDAY 4-29-17
Open Gym from 8-10am

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