An important notice for the week, Saturday, April 18th the gym will be closed. Several of us, including me, are competing in the Festivus Games in Marion, Illinois. If anyone wants to come with us and cheer us on you are more than welcome! Several are planning on car pooling to the event. We are thinking that we will meet at the gym at 6:30 in order to be in Marion and parked before registration at 8:00 am. You may join us and car pool, or meet us there. I hope it’s a fun time for all of us!

MONDAY 4-13-15
Strength Wod: Deadlift Warm-up:
Empty bar 5 reps times 2 sets
add weight, 5 reps times 1 set
add weight, 3 reps times 1 set
add weight, 2 reps times 1 set
Work set:
add weight, 5 or more reps times 1 set
If you can't do 5 reps, you have too much weight on the bar. If you do more than 10 reps you don't have enough weight and the next time you should add more weight to your work set.

Regular Wod:
4 Rounds for time:
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (35, 25)

TUESDAY 4-14-15
This is a substitute Birthday wod for Leslie Sievers
5 Rounds for time:
350 meter Run
50 meter Walking Lunge

Front Squats
cash out:
10 Wall Walks (belly on the floor to belly on the wall)

THURSDAY 4-16-15
Strength Wod: Power Clean Warm-up:
Empty bar, 5 reps times 2 sets
add weight, 5 reps times 1 set
add weight, 3 reps times 1 set
add weight, 2 reps times 1 set
Work sets:
add weight, 3 reps times 5 sets
You must do all 5 sets of 3 reps at the same weight.

Regular Wod:
5 Rounds for time:
10 Toes to Bar
20 Sledge Hammers*
* 10 on each side

FRIDAY 4-17-15
3 Rounds for time:
20 Burpees
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75, 55)
20 Ring Dips
20 Hang Squat Snatch (135, 95)*
20 Box Jumps (24, 20)
* add weight to your bar if able

SATURDAY 4-18-15
Festivus Games in Marion, Illinois

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