We have an Easter WOD and an on time Birthday WOD this week. These are real WODs, even when they are fun and seemingly “cute”. All movements, done with intensity, under load are beneficial for our health. We can celebrate our friends and workout together. We can also do workouts that are for a cause. There is a new hero WOD for a person and a CrossFit gym, that you can do and contribute for their causes.

MONDAY 4-10-23
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
As Many EGGS As Possible in 20:00

TUESDAY 4-11-23
Jenny's B-day WOD (4-11-78)
4 Rounds for time:
4 Atlas Stones over the Bar
110' Sled Push
19 Wall Balls
7 Tire Flips
8 Sandbags over the Shoulder

"Sadie Jane"
AMRAP in 23:00
16 25' Shuttle Runs
9 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Power Cleans (185,125)
Sadie was killed on 2-17-23 at Turnagain CrossFit in Anchorage, AK when a roof collapsed.
There is a GoFundMe page for her family and for the gym.

THURSDAY 4-13-23
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
3 Rounds of:
Row 50 seconds, Rest 10 seconds
Row 40 seconds, Rest 20 seconds
Row 30 seconds, Rest 30 seconds
Row 20 seconds, Rest 40 seconds
Row 10 seconds, Rest 50 seconds
*Record total distance Rowed

FRIDAY 4-14-23
3 Rounds for time:
30 DB Snatch-alt
30 Toes-2-Bar

SATURDAY 4-15-23
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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