We have some interesting WODs coming up this week. Emiley, Chris and I have been watching the Strongman Competitions lately. So, of course, I wanted to do a Strongman WOD. We planned out what I think will be a WOD we can all do. We will have plenty of options for us to scale appropriately in each movement. So, don’t refuse to come because you can’t do something. We always scale whatever we need to scale! It looks like fun on the board anyway. Because of that WOD we will only have one actual strength wod this week. This strongman wod will suffice for another weightlifting kind of day.

MONDAY 3-28-22
5 Rounds for time:
15 Barbell Lunges
75 Double Unders

TUESDAY 3-29-22
Strength WOD: Power Clean (5x3)
AMRAP in 7:00
10 Squat Cleans
20 Sit-ups

AMRAP in 20:00
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Ring Push-ups
20 Box Step-ups (30,24)

THURSDAY 3-31-22
"Strongman WOD"
2 Rounds of:
1:00 of work 15 seconds transition to
Atlas Stones over the Bar for reps x weight
Wall Ball Toss behind you to the wall for reps x weight
Sled Pull for distance
Kettle Bell Swings for reps x weight
Tire Flips/Carries for distance
Surge Tube Cleans for reps x weight
Dumbbell single arm Shoulder to Overhead for reps x weight
Sandbag carry for distance

FRIDAY 4-1-22
Quarter Final WOD #3
For time:
8 Wall Balls
4 Shuttle Runs 50'
1 Rope Climb
16 Wall Balls
8 Shuttle Runs
2 Rope Climbs
24 Wall Balls
12 Shuttle Runs
3 Rope Climbs
32 Wall Balls
16 Shuttle Runs
4 Rope Climbs

Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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