We have only one more Open WOD to go in this year’s competition! Unless you are repeating 16.4 for a better score, then you have two left. I am so proud of you that signed up and are trying your hardest. Your scores reflect your efforts in everything you do! Some of us have even learned we can do things we thought impossible before this competition started. Congrats to all!

Also an announcement, there will be no 6pm class on Friday March 25th. I will be out of town and not quite back yet. The 4 and 5pm classes will meet as usual.

MONDAY 3-21-16


For time:

150 Wall Balls  (20#-10′, 14#-9′)

TUESDAY 3-22-16

Total for time:

Run 400 meters, rest 1 minute

Run 800 meters, rest 2 minutes

Run 1200 meters, rest 3 minutes

Run 1600 meters


EMOM for 16 minutes:

3 Atlas Stone Shoulderings (on the odd minutes)

5 Strict Pull-ups (on the even minutes)

THURSDAY 3-24-16

21-15-9 for time:

Hang Power Cleans (95,65)

Ring Dips

Snatch* (95,65)

*full squat

FRIDAY 3-25-16

Open Competition WOD 16.5

SATURDAY 3-26-16

Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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