We have only one more week of the Open Competition, except for those of you that still need to do 17.4, you have two wods left! There is still time to complete, or repeat, 17.4 tomorrow. Your score has to be posted before 7pm our time to be included. Don’t lose heart now, you are almost done!

I’m afraid the Dumbbells will come back in the form of Thrusters for 17.5, so we are going to practice regular Thrusters as far away from Friday as possible to give us time to recover if that is what happens. Practice is good and so is rest time.

MONDAY 3-20-17
Strength WOD: Back Squat
5 reps x 3 sets
"Fran" For time:
Thrusters (95,65)

TUESDAY 3-21-17
5 Rounds for time:
20 Russian Lunges (50,35)
10 GHD Sit-ups
4 Turkish Get-ups (50,35)

For time:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75,55)

THURSDAY 3-23-17
Strength WOD: Bench Press
5 reps x 3 sets
EMOM for 10 minutes:
5 GH Raises (Odd Minutes)
15 KB Swings (53,35) (Even Minutes)

FRIDAY 3-24-17
Open WOD 17.5

SATURDAY 3-25-17
Open Gym from 8 to 10 am

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