One more Open WOD to go, unless you are repeating 19.4 on Monday. When you know that there is little chance of going on after the 3:00 rest, go all out until you get to the rest time. If you think you might actually get some reps after the rest, go all out before that tie break time and you can recover during that 3:00. Either way, don’t waste time resting when you are supposed to be working.

We have some more celebration type wods this week. For Lance’s award, Laura’s labor/Logan’s birthday, and a St. Patrick’s Day wod. Have fun with these.

MONDAY 3-18-19
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
Adaptations on "Four Leaf Clover"
For reps:
2 minutes Burpees
2 minutes Box Jumps (24,20)
2 minutes Thrusters (95,65)
2 minutes Sit-ups
2 minutes KB Swings (53,35)
2 minutes Ring Rows

TUESDAY 3-19-19
For time:
21 Strict Pull-ups
9 Ring Dips
30 Squats
15 Strict Pull-ups
12 Ring Dips
30 Squats
9 Strict Pull-ups
15 Ring Dips
30 Squats

"Laura's Labor/Logan's Birthday"
Every 3 minutes on the minute:
3 Deadlift (90% work weight)
1 minute Row for Calories

THURSDAY 3-21-19
Strength WOD: Back Squat
"Lance's Award"
3 Rounds for time:
200 meter MB Run (20,14)
1 minute Wall Sit with MB
10 Wall Balls (10',9')

FRIDAY 3-22-19

SATURDAY 3-23-19
Open Gym from 8 to 10 am

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