This week I am writing to each one of you to post the WODs. We are moving our website from one hosting platform to another one. Hopefully it will be up and running by next week. Until it gets set up you will not be able to sign up for classes. YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE TO TEXT ME, and let me know when you plan to come. I will write your names on an old school paper! Sign up as soon as you know your schedule so I can write it down and be at the gym when you need me.
We also have a birthday celebration this week, Emiley, and another one next week, Pat. Fun doesn’t stop because we are doing the Open WODs. You have another chance to do the Open WOD 22.1 tomorrow if you want, as long as you post your scores by 7pm Monday evening.

MONDAY 2-28-22
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
AMRAP in 15:00*
250 meter Row
20 Knees-2-Elbows
250 meter Row
20 DB Thrusters
* Option to do or repeat the Open WOD

TUESDAY 3-1-22
Emiley's Birthday WOD (3-5-83)
"Bernese Mountain Dog"
AMRAP in 20:00
1 Power Clean (heavy)
1 Front Squat
100 meter DB Farmer's Carry
* Add 1 rep to Power Cleans and Front Squats after each round

4 Rounds for time:
20 Squat Cleans (mod-light)
1 Rope Climb
20 Wall Balls

Strength WOD: Power Cleans (5x3)
For time:
GHD Sit-ups
Slam Balls

FRIDAY 3-4-22
Open WOD 22.2
For time: 10:00 cap
1 Deadlift, 1 BF Burpee
2 Deadlifts, 2 BF Burpees
continue to 10 and then back down to 1 again

Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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