I’m thinking about the Open all the time now. I will take my judges course this week, so I am ready to judge you. If there are others who want to take this course and help judge, you do not have to have any CrossFit certifications. You just have to pass the course. Laura and Nathan will also be judging. When ALL of us sign up and need to be judged, there should be plenty of help. The Open this year is assured to be universally inclusive. Everyone can do it! So I want us to jump in and prove we can.

We are repeating the one WOD that we had planned for last Monday, since no one came that day for very good reasons! All the rest are new and the weather should not be a problem this week. Maybe Spring will be on the way and melt all of last week’s snow.

MONDAY 2-22-21
For time:
Front Squats
1 Rope Climb after each round

TUESDAY 2-23-21
Strength WOD: Power Cleans (heavy 5x3)
For time:
Devil's Press (2 DB)
25 Squats after each round

4 Tabatas
Box Jumps
Step Back Lunges

THURSDAY 2-25-21
"Laura" Partner WOD
AMRAP in 21:00
With one person working at a time, complete
30 Cal Row
20 Burpees over the Rower
10 Power Cleans (mod)
Partners may split up the work anyway they want as long as all reps are completed in the rounds.

FRIDAY 2-26-21
4 Rounds for time:
With a moderately heavy KB, complete
20 Goblet Squats
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
20 Russian Lunges
25 KB Swings

SATURDAY 2-27-21
Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Yoga at 9am

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