Don’t forget about our Christmas party on Saturday December 14 at the gym. We decided we will start at 6pm. Who knows how long we will stay. Bring food to share, your families and a wrapped gift to play “Dirty Santa”. This should be a white elephant or a cheap gift, nothing too special.

Nathan has already made up a monkey wod, that comes with a whole story before the party, so we can do it this week. We will do a new version of 12 Days of Christmas next week. Some changes, but still very singable. That is the point, right? Sing-ability!

MONDAY 12-9-19
"Baby Monkey Rescue" Partner WOD
5 Rounds for time:
Synchro Jump to Bar from (4',3')
Stop Swinging, Synchro drop down into the ravine
10 MB Power Snatch-alternate with partner
Synchro jump out to (4',3')
10 MB Wall Balls thru bars-alternate with partner
6 MB Shuttle Runs-each partner runs 1/2 way 3 times

TUESDAY 12-10-19
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press
AMRAP in 15:00
5 Toes-2-Bar
10 GHD Sit-ups
15 Back Extensions-floor

WEDNESDAY 12-11-19
5 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
10 Knees-2-Elbows
20 Wall Balls

THURSDAY 12-12-19
4 Rounds for time:
500 meter Row
50 Walking Lunges

FRIDAY 12-13-19
Strength WOD: Back Squat
AMRAP in 15:00
200 meter Run
100 meter Farmer's Carry DBx2 (50,35)
20 DB Front Squats

SATURDAY 12-14-19
Open Gym from 8-10 am
6:00 to whenever
bring food, families, and a wrapped gift for Dirty Santa

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