Our Christmas Party will be at 6pm on Saturday Dec. 11. Please bring families and food to share. I will provide utensils and drinks. We will play games and maybe some will play around making up new things to do in the gym. Barbie is already preparing a fun game for us with prizes! It should be a fun time to meet part of the family in our gym that we don’t know if they come to a different class. We will even begin with a game on Friday for a workout!

MONDAY 12-6-21
"Nasty Girls" (different version)
3 Rounds for time:
50 Squats
14 Pull-ups
14 Dips
10 Hang Power Cleans

TUESDAY 12-7-21
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
3 Rounds for time:
500 meter Row
21 Push-ups
12 Toes-2-Bar

EMOM for as long as possible
5 Thrusters
add 10# after each 5:00
continue until you can't complete the minute
score is last minute completed and weight lifted

THURSDAY 12-9-21
Strength WOD: Bench Press (3x5)
For time:
Double Unders

FRIDAY 12-10-21
"Deck of Cards"
For time:
With a partner:
Diamonds=Ring Rows
Spades=DB Snatch
Joker=KB Swings
2-10=face value reps
J,Q,K=10 reps
A=11 reps
Joker=50 reps

SATURDAY 12-11-21
Open Gym at 8am and 9am
Christmas Party at 6pm

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