It’s getting closer to Christmas and we will do the 12 Days of Christmas next week. But this week we are going to go “Christmas Shopping”. I think it will be a fun little WOD. You tell me if online shopping is more fun than this WOD. We will have our Christmas Party on Sunday December 18 at 5pm. Bring your family, a dish to share and a willingness to play fun games. I will provide plates, silverware, cups, and drinks. Let’s meet friends from other classes and have a good time.

MONDAY 12-5-22
Strength WOD: Power Clean (5x3)
For time:
10K Bike

TUESDAY 12-6-22
"Christmas Shopping"
3 Rounds for time:
100 Single Unders-getting ready to shop
10 Goblet Squats with Plate (turn L-R each squat)-drive to store
1:00 Wall Sit-wait in line
100' Sled Push-push cart home
100' Farmers Carry-carry in presents
10 Plyo Push-ups-wrap presents

Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
20 DB Walking Lunges
20 Burpee Box Jumps

THURSDAY 12-8-22
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
For time:
30 Handstand Push-ups

FRIDAY 12-9-22
AMRAP in 15:00
5 Muscle-ups (transition to support)
4 Squat Snatches

SATURDAY 12-10-22
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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