We’re planning a Christmas party at the gym for December 16th. I’m thinking maybe 6 or 6:30 would work better for most people – let me know if that works for you. Bring food to share and your families! We’ll play games (just fun ones, no Crossfit required). I’ll try to be nicer to your abs this week, but no promises!

MONDAY 12-4-17
Strength WOD: Back Squat
Then, AMRAP in 12 minutes:
25 Pullups
50 Cal Row
100 Overhead Squats (45, 35)
50 Box Jumps (24, 20)
25 Pullups

TUESDAY 12-5-17
3 Rounds for Time
50' Overhead Lunges (75, 55)
15 Deadlifts (225, 155)

3 Rounds for time
400m Run
12 Snatches (115, 75)
6 Bar Muscle Ups
THURSDAY 12-7-17 
AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 Med Ball Cleans (20, 14)
20 Sledgehammers
40 Double Unders

FRIDAY 12-8-17 
Clean & Jerk 1 Rep Max
Tabata Knees to Elbows

SATURDAY 12-9-17 
Open Gym 8 to 10am

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