Wow, this is the last week of this year. Mostly things are back to normal as far as Covid is concerned. There are still other illnesses to pass around though so be careful. We will continue to wipe all of our equipment off, because it’s just a good idea. We can do what we can to keep each other safe. This last week of the year is also filled with travelling and getting together with families. We don’t really want to get so out of control during the holidays, that January is a shock, coming back to normal life, working out and eating.

I’m going to try an experiment in scheduling my posts, so you can see them on maybe Friday. Then you can be prepared for your next week, just in case I post late. If you see the posts on Friday, will you still sign up for the week on Sunday? That way I can see what my week will look like early too. And everyone who has access, can see who else is coming.

MONDAY 12-26-22
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
4 Rounds for time:
200' Sand Bag Suitcase Carry Right hand
12 SB Cleans over shoulder
12 SB Drag and Pull in Plank position
200' SB Suitcase Carry Left hand

TUESDAY 12-27-22
"Russian Subway"
5 Rounds for time:
30 Squats with DB (briefcase)
60 second Wall Sit with DB in lap
10 Knees-2-Elbows (DB on floor)
Shuttle Run with DB 1-2-3-2-1

WEDNESDAY 12-28-22
For time:
150 Wall Balls (20,14) to (10',9')

THURSDAY 12-29-22
Strength WOD: Shoulder Press (3x5)
3 Rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts
75 Double Unders

FRIDAY 12-30-22
Partner WOD:*
AMRAP in 20:00
20 Calorie Bike
40 Box Jumps
60 Supermans
* Partners may partition these reps any way, but must work one at a time and do the reps in order.
If you have no partner complete 1/2 the reps and rest the amount of time you worked. Your partner is exactly as fit as you!

SATURDAY 12-31-22
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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