The schedules are going to get crazy, or already are for everyone. This week the gym schedule should be normal. Next week we will have half days on the 24th and the next week on the 31st. Then the gym will be closed on the 25th and January 1st. Then it’s finally back to business with few interruptions.

I have granted two requests for the workouts this week. One for Yoke Walks (Madelynn), and one for Ring Rows instead of “5 Dips on Rings” (Kristy). That way more people can Rx the “12 Days of Christmas”. However if you know there is a movement that gives you grief, that’s the one you need to spend some time working on! During warm-ups, work on some of the things that get your goat.

MONDAY 12-16-19
"12 Days of Christmas"
For time:
12 Hammers Pounding
11 Kipping Pull-ups
10 Jumping Back Squats (50,40)
9 Double Unders
8 Squat Clean Thrusters (95,65)
7 KBs Swinging (53,35)
6 Super Sit-ups (legs over)
5 Rows on Rings
4 Toes-2-Bar
3 Wall Balls (20,14)
2 Med Ball Cleans (20,14)
1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95,65)

TUESDAY 12-17-19
Strength WOD: Bench Press
4 Tabatas for reps, each
Tabata Back Squat (135,95)
Tabata Ring Rows
Tabata Handstand Hold (seconds)
Tabata Row (calories)

WEDNESDAY 12-18-19
AMRAP in 20:00
5 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
10 Ring Push-ups
20 Box Step-ups (30,24)

THURSDAY 12-19-19
Strength WOD: Power Clean
AMRAP in 10:00
10 Clean & Jerks (135,95)
10 Front Squats

FRIDAY 12-20-19
5 Rounds for time:
100' Yoke Walk (choose your weight)
20 Sit-ups
5 Wall Walks

SATURDAY 12-21-19
Open Gym from 8-10 am

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