This week includes Veterans Day, but it is on Saturday. We will do the hero WOD “Chad” to honor a veteran, and to support Veteran Suicide Prevention on Friday. If you choose to donate, the link for sending support is: We will be doing 1000 step-ups as a class each hour, so encourage all your friends to come and help! We did this last year with sandbags on our own, but I would like to try it this year as a group effort with no weight and see if each class can actually accumulate 1000 steps.

MONDAY 11-6-23
Strength WOD: Deadlift (3x5)
For time:
Box Jumps (30,24)
Clean & Jerks (185,125)

TUESDAY 11-7-23
3 Rounds for time:
800 meter Run
25 Squats
25 Push-ups

For Reps:
1:00 Rope Climbs
1:00 DB Squat Snatch alt
2:00 Rope Climbs
2:00 DB Squat Snatch
3:00 Rope Climbs
3:00 DB Squat Snatch

THURSDAY 11-9-23
Strength WOD: Bench Press (3x5)
4 Rounds for time:
25 GHD Hip-Extensions
25 Toes-2-Bar

Friday 11-10-23
For time:
1,000 Step-ups*
* Complete as a class, choose the height of your box, and skip the weight.

SATURDAY 11-11-23
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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