We have a couple of new things to offer at the gym. One you have seen in our new refrigerator. We have a selection of Fitaid – slightly carbonated vitamin water for $3. The other options are protein drinks, clear or milk based high protein, low carb drinks for $2. There will be a box soon to put your money for these drink purchases in. There is also an option of running a tab. Just sign your name on the paper to the right of the fridge and pay when you have the money at a later date. We know where to find you if you “forget”.

We also have a new set of shelves in the office with boxes and name tags. If you have “things” on a shelf cubbie that get in the way of your notebook, you may choose a box, write your name on the tag with a dry erase marker and put your knee sleeves, wrist wraps, socks, lotion, deodorants….. in the box with your books. If you don’t have stuff, you can just keep your notebooks on the shelf.

Just in case anyone wondered, I had a Marguerita at dinner for my birthday and it made me feel just like the workout Marguerita! A little dizzy! Both were fun though. Hope you thought so too.

MONDAY 11-6-17
Strength WOD: 3x5 Bench Press
For time:
30 Overhead Squats (115,75)
15 Muscle-ups
20 Overhead Squats
10 Muscle-ups

TUESDAY 11-7-17
AMRAP in 20:00
10 Push Press (115,75)
10 KB Swings (53,35)
10 Box Jumps (24,20)

Strength WOD: 5x3 Power Clean
3 Rounds for time:
10 Squat Snatch (155,105)
20 Burpees

THURSDAY 11-9-17
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
30 Box Jumps (24,20)
30 Wall Balls (20,14) to (10',9')

FRIDAY 11-10-17
AMRAP in 20:00
20 Calorie Row
15 Dips
10 Turkish Get-ups (50,35)DB

SATURDAY 11-11-17
Open Gym from 8 to 10am

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