One week of our virtual raffle is complete! The winner is Anna! And the virtual money she won added up to $32. This money would have been collected from people who signed up for a particular class and changed, or cancelled, or didn’t show up. Also anyone who just showed up without signing up would have contributed. These charges were $1 for each change and added up! We will play the same game the same way for another week. It may turn out to be more fun with virtual money all the time. For now congratulations Anna!

MONDAY 11-18-13
Kettle Bell Swings (53, 35)
Goblet Squats* (53, 35)
*these are squats with your hands in front of you, fingers up with the heels of your hands together. Hold the KB in front of your chest and squat with your elbows inside your knees.

TUESDAY 11-19-13
5 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
1 Deadlift (345, 235)
3 Squat Clean (185, 125)
5 Push Jerk (185, 125)
3 Muscle-ups (9 Pull-ups & 9 Ring Dips)
1 Rope Ascent

WEDNESDAY 11-20-13
“Variation on CF Total”
Back Squat (135, 95)
Shoulder Press (135, 95)
Deadlift (135, 95)

THURSDAY 11-21-13
“Deck of Cards”
Diamonds=Double Unders
Clubs=Push-Press (45, 35)
Spades=KB Swings (53, 35)
Joker=Wall Balls (20, 14)
2-10=number of reps
J,Q,K=10 reps
A=11 reps
Joker=50 reps

FRIDAY 11-22-13
“Death by Pull-ups”

SATURDAY 11-23-13
Open Gym from 8-10 with Laura this week if you are interested, let me know.

Thank you to everyone who walked or ran in the 5K for Scott Gibbs yesterday. We had several from our gym to show our support for Barbie and Scott and their family. They are one of our own families. I hope they are encouraged by the wonderful turnout to fight this terrible disease.