We are continuing the Everyday Warrior Wods for the next few weeks. I’m sure you can continue to donate if you would like to support CrossFitters actively fighting cancer in this way. I think it is a great cause, I just missed the deadline to have us compete. the link to donate is: https://battleseries.everyday-warrior.org/

Next week is Thanksgiving and we will be closed all day on Thursday. Our family is planning on celebrating on Friday. Depending on how many people want to come and at what times, we may have a few classes on Friday. Let me know early and we can see how they fit into a trainer’s schedule. Saturday might be a good option to make up for any classes you couldn’t stand missing. Our whole family might come on Saturday! Big team wod anyone!

MONDAY 11-14-16
Strength WOD: Back Squats
5 reps x 3 sets, increase weight from last working weight
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Calorie Row
30 Alternating Pistols

TUESDAY 11-15-16
Everyday Warrior WOD #2
"Warrior" Chipper
For time: 20 minute cap* Rx and Masters Rx
50 Snatch (75,55)
50 Double Unders
40 Wall Balls (20,14) (10',9')
40 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75,55)
30 Overhead Squats (75,55)
30 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 
20 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Power Cleans (135,95)
*score is time to complete or 20:00 PLUS 1 second for each rep not completed
check board for Scaled, Masters Scaled and Teen standards

WEDNESDAY 11-16-16
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
4 Bar Muscle-ups
6 Turkish Get-ups (45,35) Dumbbell
8 Parallette Push-ups (for hands only)

THURSDAY 11-17-16
4 Rounds for time:
100 meter Walking Lunges
300 meter Run

FRIDAY 11-18-16
Strength WOD: Deadlift
One set of 5 or more reps at weight that is 5-10 pounds heavier than last time
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (135,95)
10 Push Press (135,95)

SATURDAY 11-19-16
Open Gym from 8-10
This is the Masters Competition in Bloomington.
Chances are that I will be here instead of in Illinois :(

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