There is only one outside Run for this week. I don’t really trust the weather predictions far in advance. So, every nice day you are at the gym, go run outside for fresh air and practice for a Fall 5K. You know November is always a good time to plan that. Be ready to beat your last time!

MONDAY 10-9-23
Strength WOD: Deadlift (3x5)
For time:
Double Unders

TUESDAY 10-10-23
For time:
100 Calorie Bike
100 KB Snatch (heavy),(70,53)
100 Toes-2-Bar
* Split up the reps and movements any way you want. As long as you get a total of 100 for each movement.

WEDNESDAY 10-11-23
Every 2:00 for 15 cycles (30:00) complete:
2 Clean & Jerks for 5 cycles
add weight and complete:
2 Clean & Jerks for 5 cycles
add weight and complete:
2 Clean & Jerks for 5 cycles
* These should start out heavy. You are only doing 2 reps, with lots of rest time. Then add weight, small amounts that you can still be successful in lifting.

THURSDAY 10-12-23
Strength WOD: Back Squat (3x5)
AMRAP in 12:00
9 Pull-ups
3 Front Squats (less than Back Squat weight)
9 Pull-ups
6 Front Squats
9 Pull-ups
9 Front Squats
9 Pull-ups
12 Front Squats
* Keep adding 3 reps to the Front Squats each round, may use racks.

FRIDAY 10-13-23
6 Rounds for time:
12 DBx2* Deadlifts
9 DBx2 Box Step-ups
200 meter Run
* Use same weights for DB movements (1 set)

SATURDAY 10-14-23
Open Gym at 8am and 9am

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