This week is classes as usual and no more partner wods, for a while anyway. One thing those partner wods were good for was subconsciously pushing you to keep moving. For fear of disappointing your partner or making them have to wait for you, each of the partners pushed a little harder than they might have alone. Good job and good sports! I’ve heard rumors of people not coming when there are wods posted that they think they can’t do. Don’t forget EVERYTHING is scalable! Even for people who have been here for years, not just for new people.

If there are upcoming birthdays don’t forget to let me know and we can make a wod just for you, to share with all the friends, of course. I want to thank everyone who has agreed to help me out in the gym next week. For those of you that won’t have a key, please make sure you have the list of phone numbers posted in the gym of those people who will have keys! Sign up as always and text the person you need to notify if your plans change.

MONDAY 10-9-17
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
50' Handstand Walk*
50' Broad Jumps
50' Walking Lunges
*5 Box Around the Worlds

TUESDAY 10-10-17
Strength WOD:
5x3 Power Clean
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
10 Calorie Bike
15 Push-ups
20 Pistols-alt. legs

WEDNESDAY 10-11-17
For total time:
400 meter Run
1 minute Rest
800 meter Run
2 minutes Rest
1200 meter Run
3 minutes Rest
1 mile Run

THURSDAY 10-12-17
Chris Bradford's B-day WOD (9-28-17)
3 Rounds for time:
30 Burpees
30 Goblet Squats (53,35)
30 Thrusters (45,35)

FRIDAY 10-13-17
Strength WOD:
3x5 Shoulder Press
2 Rounds for time:
100' Sled Push (225,155) on the sled
50 Double Unders
25 Push Press (75,55)

SATURDAY 10-14-17
Open Gym 8 to 10am

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