I just remembered my birthday falls in this week and I didn’t plan a special WOD for it! Oh well, I can plan one for next week. This week we have the WOD we brought back from Lydia’s gym. She had nothing to do with the programming of this one, that was last week!

For those of you going to the competition in Illinois later this month, several of the moves we have there are in these wods. Keep practicing the things you need to improve on in the weeks before we go.

MONDAY 10-31-16
For time:
1000 meter Row
50 Wall Balls (20,14) to (10',9')
30 Box Jumps (24,20)
750 meter Row
30 Wall Balls
20 Box Jumps
500 meter Row
20 Wall Balls
10 Box Jumps

TUESDAY 11-1-16
Strength WOD: Deadlift
one work set of 5 or more reps
3 Rounds for time:
400 meter Run
21 KB Swings (53,35)
12 Pull-ups

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
200 meter Run with Med Ball (20,14)
15 Toes-2-Bar
10 Overhead Lunges (95,65)
5 Handstand Push-ups
1 Muscle-up (+1 rep each round)

THURSDAY 11-3-16
Strength WOD: Back Squat
5 reps times 3 sets, one working weight
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
20 GHD Sit-ups
5 Squat Cleans (205,135)

FRIDAY 11-4-16
WOD from CrossFit Crash
Warm up Squat Snatches to 80-85% of 1RM
10 minutes for EMOM
1 Squat Snatch times 8 minutes
2 minutes rest or 2 failed attempts
For time:*
400 meter Run
2 rounds of:
30 Push-ups
20 Toes-2-Bar
to 15:00 (rest)
400 meter Run
2 rounds of:
60 Double Unders
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (135,85)
*score is combined time minus the time resting

SATURDAY 11-5-16
Open Gym from 8 to 10am
by appointment, sign up if coming

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