While I was gone someone noticed that a lot of the records on the board are over a year old. How did that happen? I made a list of all of those workouts and other records that need to be updated. Guess what we are going to be working on for a while? Don’t worry, we won’t do everything all at once. We will do something for the board once or twice per week until we get the board up to date. This is going to be fun!

And, it is still birthday season! If you are having a birthday let me know what you would like and we will all celebrate with you. This week my birthday is on Friday. Margueritas for everyone, enjoy!

MONDAY 10-30-17
3 Rounds of 5:00 for reps
0-2:00 Run 200 meters and Double Unders
2:00-3:00 DB Push Jerks (use weight that you can do with no break for 45 sec)
3:00-4:00 Ring Rows
4:00-5:00 DB Hang Squat Cleans
Rest 5:00

TUESDAY 10-31-17
Strength WOD: 5+ reps Deadlift
For time:
400 meter Run
100 meter Farmers Carry (50,35)DBs
800 meter Run
100 meter Farmers Carry
400 meter Run

EMOM* for 30:00
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
*keep going on the minutes until you fall behind, then it becomes an AMRAP

THURSDAY 11-2-17
Strength WOD: 3x5 Shoulder Press
AMRAP in 7:00
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (115,75)
5 Handstand Push-ups

FRIDAY 11-3-17
Laura M's Birthday (11-3-17)
5(9) reps for time:
Jumping Jack
Handstand (against the wall)

SATURDAY 11-4-17
Open Gym from 8-10am


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