There are some dates to consider coming up soon. November 9th is a Zombie Mud Run. If you are interested in participating, let me know right away and we can sign up together.
Another date is the very next weekend. This is the 5K in Jackson to support Scott Gibbs and the ALS Association. There are fliers on the sign up desk. Lets have a great showing of support for one of own. Don’t forget that everyone is invited to the Gibbs house November 2nd from 2pm to late. Bring a chair and a dessert to share. There is a flier about this too.
We have wods this week that reflect some of the suggestions I’ve gotten lately. I hope all of you like them as much as those that did the suggesting. I try to please.

MONDAY 10-28-13
5 Rounds for time:
200 meter Med Ball Run (20, 14)
20 Med Ball Cleans (20, 14)
20 Sideways Wall Ball Tosses (20, 14)

TUESDAY 10-29-13
Wall Ball Shots (20, 14)
Box Jumps (24, 20)
Kettle Bell Swings (53, 35)

WEDNESDAY 10-30-13
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
7 Push Press (135, 95)
10 Overhead Squat (135, 95)
15 GHD Sit-ups

THURSDAY 10-31-13
“Halloween Obstacle Course”
2 rounds for reps of:
1 minute of work at each station for reps or calories
15 seconds for transition to the next station
List as follows:
Slam Balls-caught
Row for calories
Single Unders
Evil Wheels
Ring Rows
Push Press (45, 35)
Dynamic Push-ups
Sledge Hammers

FRIDAY 11-1-13
3×5 minute AMRAPs
2 minute rest between AMRAPs
6 Hang Squat Cleans (95, 65)
9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
12 Double Unders

SATURDAY 11-2-13
Open Gym with Dylan 8-10am