I’m Back! Some of you might be thinking that’s good, or that’s bad. Either way, here I am. Because I am back, the normal sign-up schedule will be available again. Sign up for the times that work for you. Those of you that worked to readjust your workout times to accommodate our vacation schedule, thanks. Those of you that opened the door for others to come workout with you, thanks a bunch! I appreciate everyone who helped out in every way. It was good to get away. And in case you were wondering, I am sore from the activities we participated in every day. So, I missed you too!

Speaking of signing up for classes. Most people are in the habit of signing up for the entire week on Sunday evening. That seems to work well for everyone. I know what my schedule is going to be for the week, other trainers know their schedule, and you usually know what your schedule is for the week ahead by then. If something comes up that you can’t make one of the classes you signed up for, just text me, or the trainer for that class directly. If you decide you want to come to a class and don’t sign up early enough that the trainer knows it by the time they leave the gym the night before, there are chances that they won’t see it at all! If you are signing up for a class without at least 24 hours notice, please message the trainer and ask for a response. That way you will know they got the message and you won’t be stood up waiting for someone who didn’t know you wanted to come. If you don’t want to sign up because you don’t know for sure you are going to make it, be ready to be stood up. It’s always better to plan on coming, signing up and cancelling if something doesn’t work out.

MONDAY 10-23-17
5 Rounds for time:
100' Russian Lunges (50,35)
Shuttle Sprint

TUESDAY 10-24-17
AMRAP in 20:00
15 Burpees 
30 Calorie Row*
*if a rower is not available 1:1 SDHP (70,53)

WEDNESDAY 10-25-17
Strength WOD: 3x5 Back Squat
For time:
Ring Dips

THURSDAY 10-26-17
Dixie's B-Day WOD (10-28-17)
For time:
Run 400 meters
2 Rounds of:
11 Med Ball Sit-ups (20,14)
11 Pistols
11 Wall Balls (20,14)
11 Burpees
11 KB Swings (53,35)
11 Supermans
Run 400 meters

FRIDAY 10-27-17
Strength WOD: 5x3 Power Cleans
EMOM for 12:00
1 Rope Climb
3 Atlas Stone Shoulders
5 Strict Pull-ups

SATURDAY 10-28-17
Open Gym from 8-10am

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